Avni Gandhi, Founder of Bhaasha Basics
Welcome to my little corner here!
My name is Avni Gandhi and I am the mother of two beautiful children, Arjav and Aarya, and was born and raised in Mumbai and came to America as a middle-schooler. After teaching in the classroom as an elementary teacher for several years, I decided to stay at home with my kids for a few years. The teacher in me never really left and I started working on projects to teach my kids the things they would not get a chance to learn at school - their mother language and all the incredible things about their Indian culture. This was also when I began becoming intimately familiar with the educational principles of Maria Montessori. The lack of materials to teach language combined with my love for creativity ultimately led me to Bhaasha Basics.
As the kids got older and the business grew, my focus shifted from merely teaching language to bringing that culture into our daily lives- that's when the birth of our gift products took place. I want my kids to the able to see their names on popular items, I want them to have the option to see their language etched onto water bottles and wooden blocks. I want our families to be okay with spending a little more to gift something that doesn't collect dust on the shelves of the garage. My goal is to simply provide thoughtful and beautiful gifts that will be cherished for years to come. And I am eternally grateful to have you be a part of this journey.